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Mayor Chiang Presides over Circular Line South Section CF670A Section Contract Groundbreaking Ceremony

Circular line south section construction, which is highly anticipated by the residents of Wenshan District, Taipei City, has taken an important first step! The groundbreaking ceremony was held for Circular line south section CF670A section contract at the zoo parking lot located on a high riverbank, and it was presided over by Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an. MOTC, legislators, city councilors, and VIP guests from all walks of life were invited to pray together for the smooth construction of the project and for the project to be completed on schedule at a satisfactory level of quality.

DORTS Second District Project Office (2nd DPO) explained that Circular line south section CF670A section contract spans a total length of 2.2km, and there are two underground stations (Station Y01 and Station Y1A) and two shield tunnels along the line. The two underground stations will be built adjacent to MRT Wenhu line Taipei Zoo Station and in the area outside the original National Chengchi University ZhuangJing Dormitory respectively. The section construction contract was awarded to Continental Engineering Corporation for over NT$8.8 billion.

2nd DPO pointed out that the construction of this section is located in an area with complex geological strata and numerous rock plates with a high degree of hardness; furthermore, the connecting roads near Station Y1A are narrow. The construction team will employ the first domestic composite stratum grid retaining pile drainage method for the implementation of construction; furthermore, there are three sharp turns in the tunnel, and it crosses the Jingmei River. The construction has a high degree of difficulty and risk, and the MRT construction team will attempt to overcome these challenges one by one. 

During his speech, Mayor Chiang stated that after Circular line south section is opened for operation, the travel time from the National Chengchi University living circle to the Gongguan business circle will be reduced by one-half, from 35 minutes to 19 minutes. The estimated riding time from Dapinglin Station to Taipei Zoo Station will be reduced from 30 minutes to 12 minutes, and the riding time from Banqiao Station to Taipei Zoo Station will be shortened from 50 minutes to 30 minutes. Taipei City Zoo in particular is one of the must-visits for many domestic and foreign tourists in Taipei. Taking the MRT and the Maokong Gondola is a top choice of day trip for tourists, and Mayor Chiang expressed his belief that it will be possible for more business opportunities to be created.

In his speech, Mayor Chiang also mentioned that under the diligent efforts of the city government team, this section contract is the third contract on the north & south section after section contracts CF680C and CF680B, and the first contract on the south section. However, Mayor Chiang also hopes to be able to overcome difficulties and be able to award contracts for the other five section contracts on the Circular line south section as soon as possible in order to enable construction of Circular line Phase II to fully commence and for the objective of the construction of a ring-shaped network to be completed at an early date.

Mayor Chiang Wan-an, who is a National Chengchi University alumni, also mentioned that the section contract, for which the groundbreaking ceremony was held on that day, includes two underground stations located in the living circles of Taipei Zoo and National Chengchi University, which is a place that he was formerly familiar with. Mayor Chiang expressed gratitude to National Chengchi University for their willingness to provide campus land for the construction of the MRT station. The construction of the MRT system will not only favor the instructors and students at National Chengchi University and nearby residents but also promote the urban and local development of National Chengchi University. 

Mayor Chiang finally commented on the area which will be impacted by the construction of the section contract, the roads in the vicinity of Chenchi University are narrow and there are many tourists at the zoo on holidays; therefore, it is imperative that the construction units carry out effective traffic management and do their utmost to avoid traffic jams caused by construction on the route while also being good neighbors and maintaining positive interactions with the people who live along the route.

DORTS emphasized that after construction of the Circular line south section is completed and it is opened for operation, the travel time between Muzha District and New Taipei City will be dramatically reduced, providing easy accessibility to the zoo for visitors in Xindian, Zhonghe and Banqiao districts in New Taipei City. In addition, it will also increase the ways in which the National Chengchi University living circle will be connected with the outside world. 

DORTS explained that the capital city circular line will traverse Taipei City and New Taipei City, and construction of the entire line is divided into four sections: Phase I, south section, north section and east section. Circular line Phase I was opened for operation on January 31, 2020. Circular line Phase II north & south section, for which construction bidding is currently underway, is divided into eight civil engineering section contracts and one electro-mechanical system contract. Circular line east section was approved by the Executive Yuan on March 29, 2023, and the implementation of detailed design tasks and other related procedures is currently underway.

DORTS further elaborated that in the future the capital city circular line will connect seven MRT lines which are currently in operation and have rendezvous transfers with the MRT, light rail, Taiwan Railways, Taiwan High Speed Rail and the Taoyuan Airport MRT at 14 stations. DORTS emphasized that the convenience, comfort and punctuality of the entire Circular line will dramatically reduce commuting travel times, expand the living domains of residents, improve the people’s living quality, and facilitate the balanced development of districts in Taipei City and New Taipei City.