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>> Introduction to Xinyi Eastern Extension

>> Motion picture of Guangci/Fengtian Temple Station


It is anticipated that the citizens' memory of the city's history will be aroused through the station building design. Guangci/Fengtian Temple Station is located near the Four Beasts Mountain; furthermore, Xinyi District was developed for agricultural use early on, and a water conservancy was constructed for the Liugongjun Irrigation System. The station will combine the local natural landscape, giving shape to an MRT image which places importance on ecological and environmental protection.


"Rising Water" is the core basis for the architectural design concept of the station, and this concept is combined with the flow of people in the MRT station along with the flowing water of the Liugongjun in the local history to transform the concept of flowing water into horizontal and curved architectural shapes. Blue floors, walls, and ceilings are employed to give local characteristics to the station facilities, enabling people to experience the atmosphere of water imagery and regional features while riding on the MRT.



Station perspective

Station perspective