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Mayor Ko Wen-je Presides over Taipei Twin Towers (C1/D1 Land Development Project) Construction Commencement Ceremony

With an estimated investment amount of NT$60.6 billion, “Taipei West District Gateway Project Taipei Main Station Parcel C1/D1 (Eastern Part) Land Development Project” development high rise building construction has formally commenced. On the morning of November 11, Mayor Ko Wen-je and Taipei Twin Towers Limited Vice Chairman Tsai Ming-hsien co-presided over the construction commencement ceremony. 

In his speech Mayor Ko stated that following the transfer C1/D1, operating businesses will provide 16,000 jobs and NT$1.87 billion in annual rent for Taipei City Government; moreover, business tax and real estate tax will increase by approximately NT$1.46 billion. It will also create an economic output value of over NT$100 billion and drive regional and economic development. Mayor Ko further elaborated stating that with a “National Gateway, Capital Landmark” concept, the newly-constructed C1/D1 Land Development Project is the most important core of the Western District Gateway Project. Following the completion of construction in 2027, it will enable the old city to be revitalized and the concept of a pivoting axis to be fully realized. 

Mayor Ko stated that the base area of the land utilized for the site of C1/D1 is approximately 9,600 ping, and the new construction includes two skyscrapers, the elevated pedestrian Taipei promenade connecting with Taipei Main Station, a multi-functional garden terrace, and a large area to be utilized as a public living room for public cultural purposes. Among the buildings, the C1 skyscraper will be 55 stories tall, and the D1 skyscraper will be 74 stories tall. With a total floor area of 170,000 ping, it boasts the most superior 6-iron co-constructed structure in all of Taiwan. With over 500,000 daily commuters, it is the most critical hub in downtown Taipei as well as a gateway for domestic and foreign tourists to experience Taiwan. 

Mayor Ko also mentioned that investor solicitation for C1/D1 Land Development Project had been ongoing since 2006, and following five failed attempts, a contract was signed in December 2019. Afterwards planning and design were carried out and a building license was obtained following the cultural heritage review, environmental impact assessment and urban design reviews with construction finally officially commencing today.

DORTS explained that two floors above ground and four underground floors of the C1/D1 Land Development Project are located to the south of Civic Boulevard, and it is divided into eastern and western bases by Chongqing North Rd. The eastern-side base is located adjacent to the transportation hub of TRA Taipei Main Station and Taipei Bus Station. The western and southern sides of the base are adjacent to historical sites such as North Gate, the old warehouse of Mitsui & Co., Ltd, Taipei Post Office, Taipei Factory, and Railway Park and connect historic arteries with arteries of modern development in the western district while integrating business, tourism, consumption, sightseeing, and other characteristics. The main development consists of:

1. C1 Development Building: smart green energy building with business offices and a technology entertainment mall

2. D1 Development Building: corporate headquarters, fashion boutiques, hotel, restaurants with views, and an observation deck

3. Utilizing the podium on the ground floor to create a new image of a living room at the national gate: public welfare hall space, urban art gallery, and Taipei promenade


DORTS stated that in the future they will continue to implement the management of investment contract performance and supervise the investors complete land development project on schedule and at high quality standards. Furthermore, the co-creation of landlords and investors will be a win-win situation for both the public and for the government and enable C1/D1 Land Development Building become a new “National Gateway, Capital Landmark” which captures the attention of the world.