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From the Initialization Onward, MRT Inheritance: Deluxe Edition MRT Technological Books Announced Today

A 30-volume Deluxe Edition MRT Technological Books, which is Taiwan's first complete set of records of MRT construction technology and took a year for DORTS to recompile was announced at a book launch on August 13. Due to the pandemic, the event was held both on-site and online simultaneously. Due to the pandemic, the event was held both on-site and online simultaneously. When attending the book launch today, Mayor Ko Wen-je expressed his affirmation of DORTS and praised how during the epidemic period, in addition to working hard on the nation’s railway construction, DORTS has also been selflessly dedicated to sharing MRT intellectual assets with the outside world. DORTS stated that Deputy Mayor Peng, as well as TRTC, consulting companies, construction companies, and retired DORTS colleagues who served as reviewers for the series were invited to the event to celebrate and bear witness to the event together.

In his speech, Mayor Ko stated that the Taipei MRT system is the first of its kind domestically and that the construction of the MRT is relatively complex compared to other general domestic civil engineering projects. Furthermore, the core technology integrates professional fields such as network planning, civil engineering HVAC design, E&M systems, plan integration, construction management, construction supervision, and joint development. Mayor Ko stated that in order to facilitate the transfer of MRT professional technical experience, DORTS was specifically requested to spend at least one year to recompile their new construction methods, experience, and cases into this 30-volume MRT series to share Taipei MRT’s 34 years of construction experience. Mayor Ko stated that DORTS has completed the nation’s first set of documents related to MRT construction experience and technology, which is simultaneously an outstanding achievement in knowledge management on the part of the DORTS’ construction teams.

DORTS stated that in order to thank the senior retired colleagues who served as reviewers on this set of books  and even after retiring were willing to take their collective experience and knowledge from life-long participation in major national transportation construction and pass it on to younger generations through this series of books, Mayor Ko specially presented them with the Deluxe Edition MRT Technological Books and compilation CD (Mayor Ko autographed) to express his most sincere gratitude. DORTS stated that when the veteran retired colleagues accepted the compilation CDs from the mayor, they recalled images of working diligently through thick and thin on MRT construction sites. Comparing this with today’s stable MRT operations extending in all directions, they feel proud of and pleased with efforts they made in the past.

DORTS pointed out that the Taipei MRT system is the first of its kind domestically and was initially reliant on foreign experts for providing technology and experience.  To date, after conquering a wide variety of difficulties, a network of 152 km with 131 stations has been completed. Through the transfer of core professional competence, DORTS has become the inheritor of this domestic MRT engineering technology. DORTS stated that they began publishing series of MRT Technological Books since 2006, which were written by senior colleagues with rich construction experience and who had actually been involved in design and construction, and as of 2016, 60 volumes had been completed in succession. DORTS stated that they began publishing series of MRT Technological Books since 2006, which were written by senior colleagues with rich construction experience and who had actually been involved in design and construction, and as of 2016, 60 volumes had been completed in succession. DORTS also stated that in response to daily rapid changes in technical construction methods, beginning last year (2020), they were recompiled into 30 volumes. Among them were a 20-volume civil engineering series and a 10-volume E&M series.

DORTS further pointed out that in addition to being written by senior DORTS colleagues, senior retirees were also invited to serve as reviewers for the highlights of the new edition series. These retired colleagues have more than 30 years of experience in the construction of the Taipei Metropolitan MRT system and comprehensive construction qualifications. In fact, it could be said that they are the top professionals in the domestic MRT construction industry. DORTS stated that these senior colleagues had not only completed the transfer of their experience from the initial period onward and assisted DORTS in building knowledge assets, but also helped the country to build more abundant wisdom and skills. The publication of this MRT series is the most precious treasure of knowledge in the field of railway construction. In the future, the domestic railway industry as well as young students will be able to learn the most comprehensive MRT knowledge from this series of books. DORTS hopes that nurturing successors will enable MRT knowledge to be spread while also developing future MRT talent, and this is the most significant meaning and essence of the publication of this series of books.

DORTS also stated that following the book launch, with the continuous advance of construction technology, the refinement of Taipei MRT construction will ceaselessly continue. In the future DORTS will continue to hold construction seminars. DORTS anticipates that arranging for the authors of this series to engage in dialogue with professionals in their fields of expertise and in the domestic railway industry will spark innovation that will be given back to national railway construction technology. In addition, heavyweight academic professors will be invited to discuss related topics in order to introduce new international MRT technological knowledge domestically and explore advancing professional MRT knowledge. Relevant information will be published on the DORTS website and interested parties are welcome to continue to pay attention.
DORTS specially pointed out that in order to celebrate the publication of this series, a lucky raffle drawing is currently being held in which 100 lucky winners will be drawn from the viewers of this series of videos to receive one set of 3D postcards. The event will conclude on August 15, and the list of winners will be announced on the official DORTS website on August 18.  The public is invited to take advantage of the final two days of this raffle.
DORTS stated the Deluxe Edition MRT Technological Books will be distributed to relevant libraries and domestic engineering units. Members of the public who would like to have a greater understanding of engineering knowledge can directly browse the series on the DORTS official website e-bookcase or read them on the Taipei City Library’s “HyRead.” The popularity of this series of e-books will continue to increase in the future, and the seeds of the MRT will be spread through multiple channels. In the future, DORTS hopes to be able to continue to increase the popularity of the electronic version of this series and will share MRT knowledge through multiple channels.