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What measures do you take to maintain traffic flow during MRT construction? (Planning)

The Taipei MRT project is extensive in scope and has a lengthy construction time, and therefore will unavoidably have a negative impact on traffic. To mitigate the impact and ensure the general public's right of way, it is important to draw up a traffic maintenance plan to facilitate MRT construction. Measures adopted are as follows:


1. Construction fences are to be gradually moved forward in line with construction.


2. Sidewalks and median strips along the construction route are to be lowered to road-level to make space for vehicles, maintain the existing traffic lanes as much as possible, and ensure smooth traffic flow.


3. Storefront arcades are to be kept clear to provide pedestrians with safe and unobstructed passage. The contractor shall adjust the scope of working area and barriers to avoid blocking crosswalk and roadway access.


4. Comprehensive traffic detours and alternative routes are to be planned to alleviate traffic congestion in MRT construction areas.


5. To prevent traffic jams caused by stopping buses and to ensure passengers' safety while waiting for buses, bus stops are to be relocated away from areas in the immediate vicinity of construction sites. Similarly, school child pick-up area shall be well arranged as well.


6. Construction vehicles and equipment are not to be left in areas outside the construction fence. During peak traffic hours – a.m. peak period & p.m. peak period – construction vehicles are strictly prohibited from entering construction sites.


7. Traffic Auxiliary Police are recruited to help direct traffic at busy sections and intersections in order to keep traffic moving smoothly. At the same time, the traffic auxiliary police will also help to watch the students who pass through these areas before or after school to ensure their safety.