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Taipei MRT Sign System Design Project and Content

1. Identification of Systems, Lines, and Stations

(1) System Identity
The identity sign of Taipei MRT is the logo, which is mainly used to identify Taipei MRT facilities.
The identity signs at station entrances/exits are installed according to site conditions such as space characteristics and location feasibility.


Suitable for the entrances adjacent to main roads, and erected near curbs in a clearly visible location

Suitable for the entrances adjacent to main roads, and erected near curbs in a clearly visible location.

Beginning from the Neihu section of the Wenhu line, this type was added and is used when the station entrance is not visible to the main road or in spacious areas far from curbs such as plazas

Beginning from the Neihu section of the Wenhu line, this type was added and is used when the station entrance is not visible to the main road or in spacious areas far from curbs such as plazas.


(2) Line Identity
To enable easy identification of different MRT lines, each line is assigned a specific color: Red Line, Blue Line, Green Line, Brown Line, etc. These colors are used as the background for station names as well as featuring prominently in stations' interior furnishings.

Stations on the Tamsui line use the red line color as the theme color in architecture furnishing

Stations on the Tamsui line use the red line color as the theme color in architecture furnishing




(3) Station Identity

Stations are identified by signs displaying the stations' names located above every station entrance, connecting places to non-MRT areas and on platforms.

Station identity at entrances/exits – station names, and line identity – with line color as the background

Station identity at entrances/exits – station names, and line identity – with line color as the background.

Station names on platforms provide arriving trains with station identity

Station names on platforms provide arriving trains with station identity.


2. Direction Signs

These signs mainly provide guidance to main circulation routes and relevant facilities such as boarding (towards platforms and train direction), exit (all exit directions), interchanges, paths for the disabled, emergency exits, etc. To match the planning and design of architectural finishing and circulation inside stations, the installation forms can be lighted boxes, free-standing signs, and sticker-type signs.

Lighted sign boxes guide the main circulation routes and important facilities

Lighted sign boxes guide the main circulation routes and important facilities.

Sign guides the train direction for the disabled

Sign guides the train direction for the disabled.


3. Information Maps

These maps provide detailed subsidiary information and are located according to entrance/exit circulation, the service content and character of information on the maps. Information maps are categorized as follows:

(1) Taipei MRT System Route Map

Showing the MRT network at the current stage of operation, the map mainly provides information on stations, line locations and interchanging.


(2) Station Information Map

This map mainly displays a plan of each floor of the station and identifies the location of the main public facilities. The direction of the map corresponds to the reader's location, and a "You are here" point is indicated. (The lower half of the layout identifies each exit number and name)


(3) Station Location Map

This map indicates the area of stations, the location of each entrance/exit, streets and important buildings within 1.2-1.6 km around the station, locations of interchange facilities. The layout beneath the map indicates transfer information.


(4) Exit Information Map

If there are more than two entrances/exits to a station, in order to identify each exit direction, the main buildings and streets around each exit are listed in text to support the lighting-box signage. Some stations with complex passenger circulation, such as interchange stations, display sectional exit information map on the platforms to provide information of vertical circulation.

Left to Right: Taipei MRT Route Map, Station Information Map, Station Location Map, and Entrance/Exit Information Map

Left to Right: Taipei MRT Route Map, Station Information Map, Station Location Map, and Entrance/Exit Information Map


(5) Single Route Map

Single route maps at stations without platform screen doors are usually located on the trackside walls close to the escalators or stairs or on the free-standing information panels at platform level. Single route maps at stations with platform screen doors are usually located on the overhead panels above the screen doors. This map indicates train direction at the side of platform and the station names along the route with the previous stations indicated in lighter colors.

A single route map installed at the trackside wall of the platform

A single route map installed at the trackside wall of the platform.

A single route map above the platform screen door

A single route map above the platform screen door.


(6) Fare Map

Fare maps are posted on the panels above two Automatic Ticket Issuing Machines (ATIM) as well as on the top of each ATIM to provide information on ticket purchase and fares.

fare map

Fare Map


(7) Fire-Fighting Equipment Plan

The content includes the locations of fire-fighting equipment such as the fire hose cabinet, fire extinguishers, and emergency exits on each floor. Each level is equipped with a fire-fighting equipment plan at minimum.

fire-fighting equipment plan

Fire- Fighting Equipment Plan


Descriptive Signs

These signs illustrate the characteristics and use of each facility and area, such as toilets, information booths, room names, public phones, fire hose cabinets, instruction for emergency stop buttons, priority seats, parking spaces for wheelchairs, fire extinguishers, intercoms, etc.

Above: Door Number & Name Sign, Below: Staff Only – Warning Sign for passengers

Above: Door Number & Name Sign

Below: Staff Only – Warning Sign for passengers


Warning Signs

Signs for restrictions or warnings of passenger behavior, such as signs prohibiting smoking and eating inside stations, signs reminding passengers to pay attention when using escalators, as well as warning signs, such as "Mind the Platform Gap," "No Entry," and "Danger High Voltage." Some warning signs also state penalties.

Signs Prohibiting Smoking and Eating

Signs Prohibiting Smoking and Eating

Information on the above signs is fixed. The LED display panels inside the stations provide mixed information services and use mobile displays to provide information such as the present time, arrival time of trains, train direction, promotional information and even advertising. The LED display panels inside the trains indicate the arrival station names in order to enhance services for the hearing-impaired.